The City of Ottawa lists a property on its “Heritage Register” when it is deemed, by its age and attributes, to have heritage value or interest. A property owner whose home or building has been listed on the Heritage Register must notify the City within 60 days if they plan to demolish the structure. This time-frame allows the City to enter into negotiations with the property owner and consider whether it should officially designate the house or building as a heritage property. The City may also designate heritage conservation districts to protect an entire area.
There are no restrictions related to land use, renovations or ownership changes on property owners whose houses or buildings are on the Register. However, owners of properties that have been heritage-designated, must adhere to the regulations and limitations of the Ontario Heritage Act regarding the maintenance, restoration, use and disposal of their properties.
The Ontario Heritage Act also provides mechanisms whereby an owner may object to a proposed designation of a property. Lister Beaupre assists clients in understanding the implications of the Ontario Heritage Act and in appealing heritage designations as may be appropriate. If you have questions or concerns related to the Heritage Register or the heritage designation of your property, please reach out to us at 613-234-2500.